


Stress & Illness

Confidence & Self Esteem

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Fears & Phobias

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Anxiety – Are you avoiding something in your life?

Anxiety starts very small. At first it’s a gentle inclination, but through avoidance the brain learns two things: that the thing you are by passing is scary, and that avoiding the thing makes you feel good. The more you avoid it, the more it is reinforced in your brain.

If something makes you panic or feel anxious you cannot avoid it, you’ll only exacerbate the problem. So ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. Start gradually, small steps lead to bigger ones.

If you would like help dealing with your anxiety then please give Serenity Hypnotherapy a call. Why not take a look at my testimonials and see how I’ve helped others with anxiety.

Serenity Hypnotherapy Jan Page hypnotheripist Jan bluebells
Serenity Hypnotherapy Logo

We Provide Hypnotherapy Treatments For:

Treatments for Anxiety<br />
Symbol for Anxiety<br />
Anxiety icon

Treatments for Anxiety

Treatments for Stress & Illness<br />
Symbol for Stress & Illness<br />
Stress & Illness icon

Treatments for Stress & Illness

Treatments for Weight Loss<br />
Symbol for Weight Loss Weight Loss icon

Treatments for Weight Loss

Treatments for Confidence & Self Esteem<br />
Symbol for Confidence & Self Esteem<br />
Confidence & Self Esteem icon

Treatments for Confidence & Self Esteem

Treatments for Depression Symbol for Depression Depression icon

Treatments for Depression

Hypnotherapy for Children<br />
Symbol for Chil hypnotherapy<br />
Hypnotherapy  and development for children icon

Hypnosis for Children

Treatments for Fears & Phobias<br />
Symbol for Fears & Phobias<br />
Fears & Phobias icon

Treatments for Fears & Phobias

Treatments for Sports Performance<br />
Symbol for Sports Performance<br />
Sports Performance icon

Treatments for Sports Performance

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Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis has been described as an altered state of consciousness or deep relaxation that you allow yourself to enter with the help of the therapist.

However it’s not the same as being asleep as you are aware of what’s going on around you at all times, there is no loss of control and there are no side effects.

Its a bit like the feeling you have just before you fall asleep or as you wake up in the morning, some people describe it as like being in a daydream. It is a state that most people have experienced at some time or another; for example if you get very involved or absorbed in a book or film you may feel as if you are there.
In this state of relaxation you are more able to respond to suggestions and ideas that are going to help you.

Can I be Hypnotised?

All hypnosis is self hypnosis; the therapist merely helps you to achieve the required state of deep relaxation for yourself.

So provided you are willing to follow simple suggestions made by the therapist you can be hypnotised.

Can I get stuck in Hypnosis?

No, if not ‘awakened’ you will either just open your eyes when you wish to or drift into a pleasant sleep.

How many sessions will I need?

Every person is different. All sessions are client-centred, designed to meet your specific needs. The number of sessions generally ranges between two and six.