Hypnotherapy for Sports Performance

Whatever your sport, whether it’s golf, tennis, martial arts, marathon running or even kick boxing you’ll know that how you feel on the day can have either a positive or negative impact on your results.Successful athletes are often able to control their...

Top Ten Benefits of Hypnotherapy

If you could flip a switch right now and change something about yourself, that would improve your quality of life, what would it be? At times our zest for life and general contentment can take a dip as a result of stress, health problems, emotional issues or simply...

Being a Hypnotherapist

“I’m a hypnotherapist.” These three little words are a great ice-breaker when meeting people for the first time.  A number of questions typically follow, the most common, “Does it really work?” And my reply, “If people are willing and ready to make a change, it...

Special Offer

‘Sample & See’ Session – Now only £25 [for a limited period]Find out about hypnotherapy and enjoy a wonderful relaxation session with a complimentary CD to enjoy as many times as you like at...

Clear you’re Mind Junk

Stressed out at the end of a working day? Your mind racing? Take 5-10 mnutes writng a ‘To Do” list for the following day, business tasks and personal tasks. Then close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths and say to yourself, “My work is done, my mind...